Special News Bulletin From The Paris Theatre
Friday 10:18PM PST
floyd, Senior Reporter for The Journal
Call it an extraordinary alignment of the planets, a once in a lifetime occurrence, or an episode of incredible synergy. Tonight at the world-famous Paris Theatre in Portland, Oregon, Bob In Biloxi, Brent (the Poet Laureate of this thing of ours), and your humble Senior Correspondent, floyd, were indeed sitting shoulder-to-shoulder on the right hand side of the Theater at 9:30 pm PST, Friday 11/4/11, sharing tales of theater sex.
If the assembled faithful could only have known of the aggregate literary firepower of these three, measured surely in tera-watts, they would have wept openly.
Doc here... I am dabbing my eyes at the moment. It was a mini-conference, or possibly a break-out session for The Journal's Southeast and Northwest news bureaus. 3 Senior Reporters in one theater is a seismic event. Want proof?
What happened in Oklahoma today?
Lastly, hope it was an eventful weekend for the 3 Amigos, and I'm looking forward to reading the reports. Thanks in advance gentlemen.
Safe travels Bob, as you head back home towards the beautiful Gulf Coast.
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