Doc here... If you have ever wanted to get up and close and personal with a legend in the amateur MILF porn industry, this is your chance! The incredible Cathy (from Cathyscraving.com) will be visiting Toledo's Westwood Theatre TONIGHT, Saturday August 10th @ 8pm. When arriving at the front counter, tell the great staff at The Westwood that "Doc sent me!"
Opportunities like this come around once in a lifetime, so take advantage of what The Westwood Theatre is offering you in a special evening with the incredible Cathy!
The Good Doctor will be there as well, escorting Cathy and assisting in the documenting of the event. Make sure you step up and say hello to your old friend in the white suit and shades.
See you Saturday August 10th at the terrific Westwood Theatre, 1602 W. Sylvania Avenue in Toledo!
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